4 Shifts Modern SOC Teams Embrace for Effective Hybrid Attack Defense

Is your SOC team armed to identify and stop hybrid attacks? Today's unknown hybrid attacks can start with anyone and move anywhere, at any speed, to disrupt anything in your…

Reduce Your SIEM Cost and Stop Cyberattacks Faster

With the increasing number of cyber threats your SOC team faces, is your SIEM capable of keeping pace with every hybrid cloud threat? The coverage and clarity needed to detect…

Why Security Teams are Replacing IDS with NDR

Security teams are choosing NDR over IDS to gain better threat detection and response. This whitepaper covers how today’s sophisticated cyber attacker TTPs create a challenge for traditional security approaches…

Stopping Ransomware: Dispatches from the Frontlines

This ebook dives into everything from why detecting attacker activity and recon known as ransomOps is critical to stopping ransomware and many of the steps security professionals are taking to…