
零信任:更有效保護混合辦公的四種方法 無論是在辦公室、遠端還是混合工作環境,保護組織的 IT 基礎架構比以往任何時候都更加重要。了解 Windows 365 與 Microsoft 零信任模型如何幫助組織應對安全挑戰,不論員工們身在何處,都能夠輕鬆提供安全且可靠的工具和數據存取權限。 閱讀《零信任:更有效保護混合辦公的四種方法》並了解如何: 降低端點的安全風險。 縮小安全性差距,以提升法規合規性和 IP 保護。 使用多重因素驗證,降低密碼風險。 使用有效的災害復原確保業務續航力。   下載以了解更多資訊。 為您帶來: Thank you for downloading! We will respond to you shortly. 11https://leadtechone.com/wp-content/plugins/nex-formsfalsemessagehttps://leadtechone.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phphttps://leadtechone.com/tag/microsoftyes1fadeInfadeOut…

5 Ways a Connected Seller Solution Improves Sales Performance

As buyer expectations change, your sales process needs to evolve, too. Learn how to empower sellers to close more deals faster in the e-book 5 Ways a Connected Seller Solution Improves…

觀看隨選即播:利用 AI 改變安全性

我們已經進入 AI 的時代。在本期《防禦者觀點》中,與主持人 Rob Lefferts 一起與 Microsoft AI 領導者 Chang Kawaguchi 和 Raviv Tamir 進行對話,他們討論 AI 將如何成為安全性團隊的力量倍增器。 您將了解 AI 如何: 將幫助安全性團隊以機器速度和規模進行偵測和防禦攻擊。 可減少工作負載、提升防禦者能力,並扭轉局勢,對抗惡意角色。 已影響 Microsoft 的安全性產品,包括 Microsoft Security Copilot。 為您帶來: Thank…

The Modern Data Estate: Unify Complex Data to Gain Business Insights

Learn how to get more flexibility to scale, reduce costs and build a solution that helps you get the most out of your data. Read the eBook, The Modern Data…

Puntoplossingen versus geïntegreerde oplossingen: welke levert een betere ROI?

Om het rendement op de investering (ROI) van zakelijke applicaties te maximaliseren, is het belangrijk om de impact op security, IT-beheer, productiviteit en samenwerking voor je digitale personeel te evalueren.…

Ein Ressourcenkit zu den finanziellen Vorteilen der Migration von SQL Server und Windows Server zu Azure

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie produktive Gespräche mit Ihrem Finanzteam führen, um dessen Unterstützung für den Umstieg in die Cloud zu erhalten. Nutzen Sie dieses Ressourcenkit, um darzulegen, welche geschäftlichen Vorteile…

Point Solutions vs. Integrated Solutions: Which delivers better ROI?

To maximize return on investment (ROI) across business applications, it’s important to evaluate the impact on security, IT management, productivity, and collaboration for your digital workforce. In this e-book, compare…

Point Solutions vs. Integrated Solutions: Which delivers better ROI?

To maximise return on investment (ROI) across business applications, it’s important to evaluate the impact on security, IT management, productivity and collaboration for your digital workforce. In this eBook, compare…

The Ultimate Guide to Windows Server on Azure

Implement a quick, simple and low-impact Windows Server migration to Azure. Enhance your existing Windows Server skillset as you move your workloads to the cloud. Read this guide to: Get…

A Finance Resource Kit: Moving SQL Server and Windows Server to Azure

Learn how to have productive conversations with your finance team to get their buy-in for cloud adoption. Use this finance resource kit to help you articulate the business benefits and…