Modernizing Networking and Security for the Hybrid Work Era: Insights from Customers

As organizations around the world look to modernize their network and security infrastructure, this session will explore best practices at the cutting edge of IT innovation. In this moderated discussion,…

觀看隨選即播:利用 AI 改變安全性

我們已經進入 AI 的時代。在本期《防禦者觀點》中,與主持人 Rob Lefferts 一起與 Microsoft AI 領導者 Chang Kawaguchi 和 Raviv Tamir 進行對話,他們討論 AI 將如何成為安全性團隊的力量倍增器。 您將了解 AI 如何: 將幫助安全性團隊以機器速度和規模進行偵測和防禦攻擊。 可減少工作負載、提升防禦者能力,並扭轉局勢,對抗惡意角色。 已影響 Microsoft 的安全性產品,包括 Microsoft Security Copilot。 為您帶來: Thank…

4 Shifts Modern SOC Teams Embrace for Effective Hybrid Attack Defense

Is your SOC team armed to identify and stop hybrid attacks? Today's unknown hybrid attacks can start with anyone and move anywhere, at any speed, to disrupt anything in your…

Reduce Your SIEM Cost and Stop Cyberattacks Faster

With the increasing number of cyber threats your SOC team faces, is your SIEM capable of keeping pace with every hybrid cloud threat? The coverage and clarity needed to detect…

Why Security Teams are Replacing IDS with NDR

Security teams are choosing NDR over IDS to gain better threat detection and response. This whitepaper covers how today’s sophisticated cyber attacker TTPs create a challenge for traditional security approaches…

Stopping Ransomware: Dispatches from the Frontlines

This ebook dives into everything from why detecting attacker activity and recon known as ransomOps is critical to stopping ransomware and many of the steps security professionals are taking to…

Consolidate Apps to Improve Security and Savings

Six benefits of managing the explosion of digital tools

Consolidate Apps to Improve Security and Savings

Six benefits of managing the explosion of digital tools

Zero Trust: Four Ways to Better Secure Your Hybrid Workplace

Securing your organisation’s IT infrastructure, whether in-office, remote or hybrid, is more critical than ever before. Learn how Windows 365, together with Microsoft Zero Trust, can help you address your…

The Cost of Inaction

You know what resources you need to defend your organization against cyberthreats—but the board members and executive leaders who control your budget don’t all have your technical expertise and background.…