The Business Value of Adobe Experience Manager Guides

Business Value of AEM Guides

Managing business content can be complicated, cumbersome, and expensive, especially for large or complex documents with government-regulated, corporate-regulated, or branded subject matter. Content must be securely delivered via multiple channels, both physical and virtual. It is also likely that the content creation and delivery process involves multiple individuals who are functionally and/or geographically distributed. One way to effectively manage complex content is by adopting a component content management system (CCMS). Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Guides is a comprehensive CCMS solution designed to optimize the management of digital content and assets. IDC conducted research that explored the value and benefits for organizations in using AEM Guides to streamline their approach to the creation, curation, reuse, management, and delivery of content. The project included six in-depth interviews with organizations that had experience with and knowledge about the benefits and costs of using AEM Guides.

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